Monday 13 May 2013

Tractors! Yee-haw!

Oh my - It's started all over, again! Happy Monday everyone!

I had a great big laugh this weekend when I discovered Kenny Chesney's song 'She thinks my tractor's sexy'! Ok, I get it... I'm a little behind with my music, but what the heck... when you catch up, it's such fun!

Since hearing Kenny Chesney's song ...'Song of Songs' will never quite be the same, Gazelle... 'Deere'... farmers on tractors... the love of tilling the land... the harvest... country living... and God in the midst of it all! Seriously - Wow!

For me the most exciting thing to see is a field that has just been ploughed or in the process of being ploughed... I get that wonderful feeling of expectation... a miracle about to happen... when seeds are planted and then... the green shoots rising from the dark rich soil.

Sadly, our farmers have been having a really bad time of it this year with the weather being so extreme... so, could we all just take a moment and spare a thought and a prayer for them.

For your information:
'A plow (plough) turns the soil over and buries all the residue, and can work fairly deep, but leaves large clods. A tiller uses rotating tines to break up the soil and mix in residue, and usually works to a medium depth, and leaves a fine smooth finish. A disc cuts the soil and buries PART of the residue, or breaks up clods after plowing. It can be done so as to just work the surface, or to a depth of up to about 10 inches. It leaves a semi smooth surface. These operations are all called "tillage"
Google "tillage" and you'll find more in depth explanations.'

'Tilling is done with a rotating blade, Plowing is done with a flat long blade. Both turn the soil, leaving clumps of dirt, and debris in the soil. Harrowing breaks up the clumps with an over sized multi-tined rake. Harvesting is bringing in the crop. Gleaning is picking up dropped or damaged harvest, or harvesting in damaged crop areas.' (yahoo...answers).

Anyway, I hope you have a productive and joyous day ahead of you. And just to help you get going... ;) ... here it is... Catherine...x


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