Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Good blustery day... clearing out the cobwebs...

Good blustery day to you all - so fed up with the wind and rain!

Well, well, well... It's that time of year, again... not exactly spring, but the sewing room needs sorting!

The sun is out - for the moment - and the animals are striking while the iron is hot! 'Le Chien' is out having a walk and 'Le Chat' is lying in a sunny spot in the lounge not caring to feel the wind in his furrrrr, whilst I am recovering from 'In Fluenza' - which means all my New Year's Resolutions went to pot on new years day as the lurgy bit on new year's morning - gym, swim and yoga are out until next week! Aaargh! So frustrating!

Nevertheless, armed with a box of 'Kleenex', a bottle of 'Covonia' and a pack of 'Sudafed', I'm gradually working my way through piles of fabric, sorting out cotton reels/spools, and finding my way through endless piles of paper... tell me... how does all this paper, magic it's way into my sewing room? It's astounding the amount of paper that still comes through letter boxes, and what's with those paper ad's that are stuffed into magazines? Then, there are those people who shove paper leaflets into your hands as you walk down the high street... let's stop there. The point is - it's all being chucked out - TODAY!

Once that's all done (sigh)... I can get stitching!

Hope you are safe and warm.
May God bless you.

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